You are here: Stock Items > General Tab > Scan Code

Scan Code

Scan Code is the barcode that is printed or affixed to the item.

If you don’t have a barcode but would like one, then press the Auto button and Idealpos will generate a unique code for you.

The automatically generated barcode will produce an EAN13 formatted barcode.



Generating Scan Codes from a pre-defined text file

If you would like the Auto button to populate the Scan Code field using Scan Codes from a pre-defined text file, this can be enabled by creating a text file with a list of Scan Codes and placing it into a specific location.

Create a file called "AutoScanCodesStockItems.txt" and place it into this location - C:\ProgramData\Idealpos Solutions\Idealpos\

The format of the file should contain a list of Scan Codes, with each Scan Code listed on a separate line without commas. The below is an example of Scan Codes in the correct format:








The below is an image showing the above barcodes in a text file which is created in the correct location to enable this function:



When the "Auto" button within the Scan Code field is pressed, the Scan Code field will be populated using the first unused Scan Code from the "AutoScanCodesStockItems.txt" file.



When the AutoScanCodesStockItems.txt file exists, pressing the Auto button repeatedly will not keep retrieving the next available Scan Code.

When the file does not exist, the Auto button can be pressed repeatedly and a new code is generated each time.



Alternate Codes

If you have more than one barcode per item, you can add additional barcodes through Alternate Codes.

Alternate Codes can be accessed through the Alternate Codes button located in the Stock Item Grid.